Those staff aged 16 and 17 who were previously entitled to JobKeeper payments (either as a full time worker or as a long term – regular and systematic casual) are now required to submit an additional declaration (link below) to better confirm their eligibility or not.
Where they were previously eligible, but now no longer meet the nomination criteria, they will only remain eligible for JobKeeper Payments for the fortnight ended 10 May (and you as the employer will be reimbursed the $1,500 for those 3 prior fortnights – provided they have been paid those amounts). After 11 May, employees cease being a JobKeeper payment recipient.
After 11 May, if the staff member completes any hours for you, you will be required to pay them their worked hours only. No top up is required. You will not receive JobKeeper payments for ineligible workers.
The new JobKeeper nomination form has been amended to only include employees who are aged 18 years or older as at 1 March 2020 or if they are 16 or 17 only if they are independent (within the meaning of the Social Security Act) or not undertaking full time study. The updated form sets out this criteria in detail.
If you have workers that are 16 or 17 years old and had previously lodged a form, that form is no longer valid for JobKeeper fortnights commencing on or after 11 May 2020.
You will need to get those employees (aged 16 and 17) to lodge a new form – including completing Section C.
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